Friday, August 1, 2008

Kualu Lumpur!

Hey all! Writing from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport right now in Malaysia. Just arrived about a half hour ago...still alive after these grueling past few days of travel! As for the Bali itinerary, 16 hours down, about 5 more to go! Thought I'd write seeing as how I stumbled upon some free internet access in the airport. Wish I had a camera with me because the airport itself is beautiful!'s amazing going from Hong Kong-> LAX->Taipei>Kuala Lumpur...the differences in each airport are pretty incredible. I didn't expect this airport to be quite so nice, but it looks brand new, and is complete with several Western favorites, such as Starbucks and Sbarro's. I just dipped in a Malaysian looking restaurant and feasted on fish curry and Japanese fried tofu, complete with a HUGE portion of plain rice. Delicious! Man, it really was quite a treat to eat something other than plane food. That stuff gets pretty gross after awhile! (Although I've been overall pleased with my experience on Malaysian was even better than Cathay! Vegetable curry with saffron rice. yum ;)
Started eating my meal this afternoon with chopsticks and then decided I might as well go ahead and practice the Balinese way, using a fork and spoon (but with my right, and not my left hand). Got to practice my Bahasa Indonesia at the airport with several people whom have been surprised I can speak. Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia are very similar, and usually understood between each other.
Met several very friendly Malaysians on the plane who gave me business cards, etc, and invited me to visit their homes in Kualu Lumpur over Christmas break- I just might take them up on their offer!
Anyways, despite feeling tired and in need of a shower, I'm feeling good, and really excited to return to Bali. The food, Bahasa, heat and atmosphere are already calling my name!
PS- feels slightly weird to fly for this long across the world with a one-way ticket, knowing no one will pick me up at the airport! Invigorating, too, though..and have no fear parents, I've spoken with the director at Green School and we've arranged to have Pak Gusti, the driver for the school, pick me up at 3:00 on Sunday, along with another New Teacher whose arriving at this time. Until then, some much needed R+R on the beach!

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